Accessing Your Applicants
Log in to your Maple Drive account.
From the left sidebar, click on "Jobs".
Select the specific job posting you want to review applicants for.
Understanding the Applicant List View
The applicant list view provides a quick overview of all candidates who have applied to your job posting. Here's what you'll see:
Candidate name and profile picture
Preferred salary range
Email address
Phone number
Current stage in the hiring process
AI Score
You can sort and filter applicants based on these criteria to quickly find the most promising candidates.
Filtering and Sorting Applicants
To refine your applicant list:
Click the "Filter" button at the top of the applicant list.
You can filter by:
Preferred salary
AI Score
Current stage in the hiring process
Reviewing Individual Applicants
To view a detailed profile of an applicant:
Click on the applicant's name in the list view.
You'll be taken to a comprehensive applicant profile page that includes:
Job preferences
What they're looking for in their next job
Preferred work environments
Awards and achievements
Links to portfolio, LinkedIn, and other professional profiles if applicable
Using the AI Score
The AI Score is a tool to help you quickly assess a candidate's potential fit for the role:
Scores range from 0 to 100
Higher scores indicate a better potential match for this role
Use this as a guide, but always review the full profile for a comprehensive assessment
Taking Action on Applicants
From the applicant's profile, you can:
Send a message: Click the "Message" button to initiate communication.
Reject the application: Click the "Reject" button if the candidate isn't a good fit. You will be given the opportunity to explain your rejection, which will be sent to the candidate. You do not have to explain your rejection and can continue without any messaging. Candidates will receive a message that their application has been closed, not that you rejected them.
Schedule an interview: Click the "Schedule Interview" button to move forward with promising candidates. Candidates will be able to accept, suggest a different time, or decline the interview request.
Managing the Hiring Pipeline
You can track each applicant's progress through your hiring pipeline:
Stages include: Applied, Under Review, Phone Screen, Interview Requested, Interview Scheduled, Interview Completed, Assessment, Offer Extended, Offer Accepted, Hired, Rejected, Withdrawn, On Hold
Update the stage as you progress through your hiring process
Best Practices for Reviewing Applicants
Our AI Scoring tool is a good place to start, but don't rely solely on this metric. Candidates with lower AI Scores should not be disregarded, as they might still be a good fit.
Read through the applicant's job preferences and experience thoroughly.
Consider both skills and cultural fit when evaluating candidates.
Use the messaging feature to ask clarifying questions before scheduling interviews.
Keep your pipeline updated to maintain an efficient hiring process.
Maple Drive is designed to make your hiring process more efficient, but the final decision always rests with you. Use the tools provided to inform your choices, but trust your expertise and intuition when selecting the best candidates for
your team.
If you need any assistance during the applicant review process, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.